Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thinking Day Activities For Brownies

Bridge of Friendship - Day 2: A day for the Bridge of infrastructure

Die Picknicklounge nimmt Konturen an, das Tarp wird aufgespannt. Lounge The picnic is taking shape, the tarp is stretched. Die erste gemeinsame Malzeit in unserer Picknicklounge. The first common meal in our picnic Lounge. Christian und Johannes beim Bau des Steges. Christian and John, the construction of the bridge.
06:07:06: The second day went on it again on the development of infrastructure. As a result, we had a cooking area with seating rotary, a new mine with an (existing) dunny-shed, a picnic lounge with Tarp over-voltage.
Our camping site was chosen really nice, but they had one major drawback - a Bach was not able to nearby. So we had to take the water from the Baikal, in which waves would not be easy. Therefore, we have built with substantial guidance from Christian one web for fetching water.

This bridge had a further advantage. Flourished since that time the cedars, the yellow pollen was collected and everywhere on the water of Lake Baikal, especially on the drift line of the waves the shore. By the web now you could draw further out of clear water, without need to get into the water.

With all the work we were able to make use of old boards of the remains of some wooden crates, which presumably left from previous camps in these dunes were.

The cooker was a particularly important institution. We ensured a safe distance between the fire and the combustible environment. Finally, the vegetation was very dry at the time. A circumferential bank, allowed all sitting fairly comfortably to the fire.

A site inspection of our future construction site was also held on that day. We made some measurements and determined the location of the two foundations. Tomorrow should start properly.

Schon bald stellten sich die ersten neugierigen Besucher ein. Später würden die Streifenhörnchen fast zur Plage werden. Soon, stopped the first curious visitors. Later, the chipmunks would almost be a pest. Nach dem abendlichen Besuch der heißen Quellen sitzen Oliver und ich beim Sonnenuntergang vor dem kleinen Laden. sit after the evening visiting the hot springs Oliver and me at sunset in front of the little shop. can Den Abend lässt jeder auf seine Weise ausklingen - besonders romantisch ist es natürlich am Lagerfeuer. end the day in their own way - especially romantic it is of course a campfire.
soon it is a the first curious visitors. There were chipmunks - Burunduk called in Russian - which is apparently interested in our culinary skills. Of course, we found the positive variable cute little animals and already gave them one or two bites. maybe that was a mistake, because the number of squirrels and their familiarity should stiff from day to day . Increase

After our day's work, we used of course the possibility of relaxing in the hot springs. The way a few hundred meters to the sources, we would go from now on, every night. However, a different experience - more of a nuisance - we would now haunt allabentlich: swarms of blood-sucking mosquitoes.

The path to the sources led by the few buildings of the sanatorium Khakusy, as it was a small little shop, where we supplied ourselves with little things on the way back. On the bench before the shops with a view of Lake Baikal, we enjoyed the sunset over the western shore of the lake. Then we could end the evening campfire.


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