Monday, December 22, 2008

Tanning And Waxing Ok Same Day

Bridge of Friendship - Day 4: The first foundation

Während im Hindergrund das Fundament der Nordpylone ausgerichtet wird, schält die kleine Tanja Rinde von einem Stamm. While in the background, the foundation of the north pylon is aligned, the little bark peeled from a stem Tanya. Ein Strigun-Käfer sonnt sich auf einer abgelegten Jacke. A Strigun beetle sunning itself on a discarded jacket.
08:07:06: The day started like the day before. Awakening of the force required a lot of emphasis. It was a Saturday. We had agreed to take our first two days off if we had a visible part of the work done. This should be the completion of both foundations.

In the course of time, was out a division of labor, on the one hand, was perfect because of time constraints, on the other hand, the part of the more demanding work and the other part of the stupid work had to be given. Above all, the girls were peeling bark of the tree trunks hauled sand and gravel for filling, and plaiting the rope loops.

Egor and Sasha were the force Meier. They cut down trees, dragged them out of the woods, or lifted out of the pits. Christian was specialized in highly challenging work, conducted at and discussed with me the problems and solutions. Regina managed the camp, where you take turns every day someone else was assigned as a kitchen hand.

I was constantly torn between the supervising and directing, but also the work I had to run himself, Oliver was an assistant very helpful. Relief work, without which it would not have continued, he completed reliably.

At the end of the day was also the second base and finished the first and the mast support structure was established. Thus we would treat the first two days off may. But since we have less than five working days had completed the piece, I suggested to work another day and to provide a support structure ready. The other expenses could be much better then estimate - was my reasoning. With more or less enthusiastically accepted the proposal.

Der erste Pfosten der Nordpylone steht im Abendrot. The first posts of the north pylon is in the sunset. Sonnenuntergang - Der rote Feuerball versinkt hinter dem Kamm des Baikalgebirges am Westufer des Sees. Sunset - The red fireball sinking behind the ridge of the Baikal Mountains on the western shore of the lake.
I felt that not all equally developed an enthusiasm for the project. Presumably, the majority of the result is not really imagine, and at the same time quite tightly specified workflows not really enthusiastic. Especially with the great Tanya, who was indeed appointed as a brigade leader, the doubts were obvious. A non-dangerous development if a responsible person enters into an apparent conflict with another charge. However, they had no alternative solutions for the project so that it remained at a more or less obviously ostentatious weariness.

Even Oliver did not escape these feelings. The view was also clear that he disapproved of the role played by Olga increasingly occupied. Losing interest in the project was obvious. She seemed to have their own ideas about how they would spend the time. But still I did not comment to me, although I also expect a somewhat their model and motivating presence of at least second oldest in the squad would have.

The nightly visit to the hot springs we relaxed in the hot water back on something and the sight of the first post in the sunset, without the hustle and bustle created a feeling that we would do it. The evening was calm at the abandoned construction site against the backdrop of a magnificent sunset, even a little scary romantic.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rcsport Lock Set Combination

Bridge of Friendship - Day 3: Start Work

Erläuterung der Konstruktion mit hilfe eines Models aus Hölzchen im Sand. explanation of the construction of a model with the help of sticks in the sand. In der Mittagspause brauchten wir nur ein paar hundert Meter den Strand entlang zu laufen, um an den gedeckten Mittagstisch zu gelangen. During the lunch break we needed to run a few hundred yards along the beach, to get to the covered lunch. Am Abend war Enspannung in den Dünen angesagt. evening relaxation was announced in the dunes.
07:07:06: The day started how to start from now, every working day would be, namely the fact that Regina and I got up, lighted a fire, touched down water for tea and kasha and about at eight clock the rest of the troops aroused. Dar table was already covered. About nine the breakfast was finished and up on the kitchen service was moving the troops to the construction site.

Now began the real challenge. Which consisted of all to deal simultaneously. I had no idea how difficult it still should be, for scarcely a, oh what was, no one at a professional for such work, and hardly anyone had covered the project in detail. To my great happiness, Christian proved to be huge help in directing other for a variety of work, a true co-supervisor.

to illustrate how the work to look over the dates distributed and as tight but the planning, given the limited time, I recommend my presentation Bridge Building Story . But as challenging as the task of technically and technologically well might be, it was far from being all there was to overcome challenges.

The hardest part for me was always, the various necessary works to be distributed widely and can be performed in parallel. It is a real challenge, a group of young people here to guide and motivate permanent and I believe I am that challenge only partially lived up to.

Before we went to the building site, I explained the design using a mini model of small woods, which I broke me out of branches. In the sand next to our picnic Lounge I built on the bridge model and tried to explain the construction phases. At first seemed only Christian to truly grasp what I said.

Der Küchendienst beim Geschirr spülen am Steg. rinse the dishes in the kitchen duty at the dock. Die Zelte unseres Camps waren in der heideartigen Taiga zwischen den Bäumen verstreut. The tents of our camp were scattered in the heath-like taiga between the trees. Aber zu den Dünen, von wo aus dieses Foto entstand, waren es nur ein paar Schritte. But to the dunes, from where was this photo, there were only a few steps.
On this first real working day, we leveled the plots for both foundations, worried right tree trunks for basic and cross beams, they peeled and cut deal the tribes for the first foundation. After adapting and coping, we finished the first working day of the completion of the first foundation.

The good thing about this project was that there were no long distances. for lunch we could always leave quickly to go to camp there and entertain us from the kitchen. We had again agreed that Regina leads the regiment as the stocks and the kitchen and you make each day a changing kitchen assistant will be assigned. that day it was Masha. Ultimately, the kitchen has

service the longest working day of all. While going about the others already on leisure activities such as badminton in the sand dunes, was on duty yet announced wash dishes.

But the hot springs were finally all together.

Thinking Day Activities For Brownies

Bridge of Friendship - Day 2: A day for the Bridge of infrastructure

Die Picknicklounge nimmt Konturen an, das Tarp wird aufgespannt. Lounge The picnic is taking shape, the tarp is stretched. Die erste gemeinsame Malzeit in unserer Picknicklounge. The first common meal in our picnic Lounge. Christian und Johannes beim Bau des Steges. Christian and John, the construction of the bridge.
06:07:06: The second day went on it again on the development of infrastructure. As a result, we had a cooking area with seating rotary, a new mine with an (existing) dunny-shed, a picnic lounge with Tarp over-voltage.
Our camping site was chosen really nice, but they had one major drawback - a Bach was not able to nearby. So we had to take the water from the Baikal, in which waves would not be easy. Therefore, we have built with substantial guidance from Christian one web for fetching water.

This bridge had a further advantage. Flourished since that time the cedars, the yellow pollen was collected and everywhere on the water of Lake Baikal, especially on the drift line of the waves the shore. By the web now you could draw further out of clear water, without need to get into the water.

With all the work we were able to make use of old boards of the remains of some wooden crates, which presumably left from previous camps in these dunes were.

The cooker was a particularly important institution. We ensured a safe distance between the fire and the combustible environment. Finally, the vegetation was very dry at the time. A circumferential bank, allowed all sitting fairly comfortably to the fire.

A site inspection of our future construction site was also held on that day. We made some measurements and determined the location of the two foundations. Tomorrow should start properly.

Schon bald stellten sich die ersten neugierigen Besucher ein. Später würden die Streifenhörnchen fast zur Plage werden. Soon, stopped the first curious visitors. Later, the chipmunks would almost be a pest. Nach dem abendlichen Besuch der heißen Quellen sitzen Oliver und ich beim Sonnenuntergang vor dem kleinen Laden. sit after the evening visiting the hot springs Oliver and me at sunset in front of the little shop. can Den Abend lässt jeder auf seine Weise ausklingen - besonders romantisch ist es natürlich am Lagerfeuer. end the day in their own way - especially romantic it is of course a campfire.
soon it is a the first curious visitors. There were chipmunks - Burunduk called in Russian - which is apparently interested in our culinary skills. Of course, we found the positive variable cute little animals and already gave them one or two bites. maybe that was a mistake, because the number of squirrels and their familiarity should stiff from day to day . Increase

After our day's work, we used of course the possibility of relaxing in the hot springs. The way a few hundred meters to the sources, we would go from now on, every night. However, a different experience - more of a nuisance - we would now haunt allabentlich: swarms of blood-sucking mosquitoes.

The path to the sources led by the few buildings of the sanatorium Khakusy, as it was a small little shop, where we supplied ourselves with little things on the way back. On the bench before the shops with a view of Lake Baikal, we enjoyed the sunset over the western shore of the lake. Then we could end the evening campfire.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Milena Velba Dailymotion Dodge

Friendship - Day 1: Drive to Chakusy

Zunächst beluden wir den SchTEO-Bus mit unserer Camp-Ausrüstung, dann gings nach Nishneangarsk zum Hafen. First, we loaded the bus with our SchTEO Camp Equipment, then we went to the harbor after Nizhneangarsk. Der Bus am Anleger in Nishneangarsk. Von unserem Boot war weit und breit nichts zu sehen. The bus at the pier in Nizhneangarsk. From our boat was nowhere to be seen. Wir bildeten eine Kette und entluden den Bus. Unser Boot war inzwischen auch da, aber wir durften noch nicht an Bord. We formed a chain and unloaded the bus. Our boat was now too, but we were not allowed on board.
05:07:06: This day was the arrival into this year's camp - the GBT project "Bridge of Friendship" in Chakusy (English Khakusy). He was regarded as the first day of our project.

He began with breakfast in SchTEO, which has already been prepared by our camp supplies. Then the SchTEO-owned bus was being loaded. Our luggage, the Inventories, the tools and materials. I noticed that the hinges are solid indeed made, but were not deleted. Since they were made of carbon steel, they would need a corrosion protection. We would have to paint on site. The color was also ready for it and enjoyed myself, it was pink.

After the bus was loaded, there was a group photo before SchTEO. Then we got in and drove to Nizhneangarsk. That rents are around 30 kilometers. The road is paved and runs parallel to the BAM-track, the somewhat disappears above the road sometimes in tunnels.

After about thirty minutes we are in Nizhneangarsk. This settlement did not occur until the BAM, as Severobaikalsk and therefore considerably older. Therefore, it is also the seat of Rajon management for the North Baikal circle. There is also a regional airport which is served by several times a week both from Irkutsk and from Ulan-Ude.

Arriving at the Pier, we are seeing a boat, a cutter of Jaroslavez class from which it was called but it was not ours. We formed a chain and unloaded the bus. The baggage and camp paraphernalia we stacked directly on the feeder.

Nachdem der Kapitän das Boarding genehmigt hatte, luden wir das Gepäck aufs Oberdeck und bald danach legten wir ab. After the captain had authorized the boarding, we loaded the luggage to the upper deck and soon after we took off. Nach einer teilweise etwas verschlafenen Überfahrt kommen die Holzhäuser von Chakusy in Sicht. After a little sleepy sometimes crossing the wooden houses of Chakusy come into view. An diesem Tag kümmern wir uns um die Infrastruktur, richten die Kochstelle ein und beginnen mit der Picknik-Launch. On this day we take care of the infrastructure, set up the heat and start the picnic launch.
Then it was said, but that's probably our boat, his name was also "Chakusy" as our goal. But because the captain was not there, could also not yet on board. At some point it went But going on. Again form a chain and stacked on the upper deck of the trawler. When we finally took off, I fumbled a bit too stern table with my binoculars and whoosh, I sacrificed a lens cap to the Father Baikal. I hoped he will continue to me the next day, well disposed.

The trip took just over three hours. Then appeared the silhouette of the Bay of Chakusy. On board were Elena Lagutina the GBT, which wanted to get an idea of the work of the GBT at the North Baikal and as it turned out during the trip, Sergei Nikolaevich, the administrator of the Khakusy sanatorium. From him we received in the course of the project a very good support.

After creating it was still hard times: Chain form and all of them onto the feeder. Then load the tractor (According to Christian is called the vehicle correctly mast). This brought things to the mouth of the river - our river. Now it was to make a camp site identified. We opted for a light, heath-like Taiga section adjacent dunes towards the Baikal. The big downside was we had to haul everything or almost 500 feet, where we all had to go several times, until everything was there. The site was chosen

very cozy and the size of our camp was enough space provided. Only for the infrastructure had to be taken care of. From the artifacts and Boards of older camp, we started first with the fireplace. At the same time built up all their tents. Next, we went to the picnic Lounge.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ap Lab 4 Question Answers

How can I use my Vodafone Blackberry Curve 8310 as a Bluetooth modem via GPRS?

1. First, you connect the laptop to the Blackberry via Bluetooth:
- Turn on Bluetooth on the BB
- In select Control Panel on the laptop and Bluetooth Add Device
- The laptop finds the BB and the devices are thus connected

second Install the Blackberry as a modem:

- In Control Panel Phone and Modem options open

- New modem as follows Add:

- After the BB was installed as a modem, you must return to Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options window, go. As you can see the new modem with the new zugeorneten COM interface:

- Simply go to Properties-> Advanced, and + gdgcont, "IP", "" in to Extra initialization

third Create a new connection:

- START> Connect To-> Show all connections

- "Create a new connection click" links on

- Select the newly-installed modem

- * 99 # to enter a phone number

- user name and password blank

4th The BB in Settings-> Advanced Settings-> TCP-> APN

enter the link should work now. All information is from personal experience and is without awareness. Further information is available determined