Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rcsport Lock Set Combination

Bridge of Friendship - Day 3: Start Work

Erläuterung der Konstruktion mit hilfe eines Models aus Hölzchen im Sand. explanation of the construction of a model with the help of sticks in the sand. In der Mittagspause brauchten wir nur ein paar hundert Meter den Strand entlang zu laufen, um an den gedeckten Mittagstisch zu gelangen. During the lunch break we needed to run a few hundred yards along the beach, to get to the covered lunch. Am Abend war Enspannung in den Dünen angesagt. evening relaxation was announced in the dunes.
07:07:06: The day started how to start from now, every working day would be, namely the fact that Regina and I got up, lighted a fire, touched down water for tea and kasha and about at eight clock the rest of the troops aroused. Dar table was already covered. About nine the breakfast was finished and up on the kitchen service was moving the troops to the construction site.

Now began the real challenge. Which consisted of all to deal simultaneously. I had no idea how difficult it still should be, for scarcely a, oh what was, no one at a professional for such work, and hardly anyone had covered the project in detail. To my great happiness, Christian proved to be huge help in directing other for a variety of work, a true co-supervisor.

to illustrate how the work to look over the dates distributed and as tight but the planning, given the limited time, I recommend my presentation Bridge Building Story . But as challenging as the task of technically and technologically well might be, it was far from being all there was to overcome challenges.

The hardest part for me was always, the various necessary works to be distributed widely and can be performed in parallel. It is a real challenge, a group of young people here to guide and motivate permanent and I believe I am that challenge only partially lived up to.

Before we went to the building site, I explained the design using a mini model of small woods, which I broke me out of branches. In the sand next to our picnic Lounge I built on the bridge model and tried to explain the construction phases. At first seemed only Christian to truly grasp what I said.

Der Küchendienst beim Geschirr spülen am Steg. rinse the dishes in the kitchen duty at the dock. Die Zelte unseres Camps waren in der heideartigen Taiga zwischen den Bäumen verstreut. The tents of our camp were scattered in the heath-like taiga between the trees. Aber zu den Dünen, von wo aus dieses Foto entstand, waren es nur ein paar Schritte. But to the dunes, from where was this photo, there were only a few steps.
On this first real working day, we leveled the plots for both foundations, worried right tree trunks for basic and cross beams, they peeled and cut deal the tribes for the first foundation. After adapting and coping, we finished the first working day of the completion of the first foundation.

The good thing about this project was that there were no long distances. for lunch we could always leave quickly to go to camp there and entertain us from the kitchen. We had again agreed that Regina leads the regiment as the stocks and the kitchen and you make each day a changing kitchen assistant will be assigned. that day it was Masha. Ultimately, the kitchen has

service the longest working day of all. While going about the others already on leisure activities such as badminton in the sand dunes, was on duty yet announced wash dishes.

But the hot springs were finally all together.


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