Friday, June 30, 2006

Lease Agreement Cook County Illinois

train No. 92IJ - Wagon Lux

Während Regina, Christian und Oliver noch schnell Proviant beschafften, wartete ich mit Johannes und dem Gepäck in der Bahnhofshalle.
While Regina, Christian and Oliver still fast food procured, I waited with John and the luggage in the station hall.
06/30/2006: Our position on the platform was well chosen. The car of the first class - Wagon Lux - holds close to us. The door opens and a Provodnik, a male guard gets out.

We present our Bilet him. Although there are tickets in question was purchased in Moscow (from Oliver's Railway Employees acquaintances), they confuse our Provodnik first. The space reservations are already from Moscow (Kazansky Railway Station), the tickets are issued as such from Gorky. Oliver also wants to see the same clarified that he has booked an entire compartment to itself as "Single", which brings the train crew completely confused. He flips around two minutes in the ticket (each of which consists of several sheets) and waves will eventually: "Get in," he says to us, "That I watch later at your leisure. And now we drag our bags in single file down the hall and demonstrate our compartments.

Even as we look around us in the hallway, we spoke to a woman. "You are the other volunteers, I accept your T-shirts." So this is Olga, our still missing German participant. Later we learn it at the evening get-together to know more detail.

Anstelle der oberen Pritsche hängen im Lux-Waggon große Spiegel mit stilisiertem Baikal Motiv an den Wänden - ein Markenzeichen des 92-ger Zuges.
Instead of the upper bunk hang Lux-length mirrors in the car with stylized Baikal motif on the walls - a hallmark of the 92-ger train.
Ansonsten ist ein Lux-Waggon baugleich mit den Kupejny Schlafwagen, ...
is otherwise a lux car identical to the Kupejny sleeping car, ...
...nur plüschiger und eben für nur 2 Personen gibts relativ mehr Platz.
... only plush and even for only 2 people are relatively more space.
Our cabins are really no different than the usual "Kupejnye" compartments. It lacks the upper bunk. Therefore, one has to second-and correspondingly more space than four people and it is on the bunks, which indeed are also benches, sufficient headroom. The compartments also plush equipped. Instead of the upper bunks adorn large, oval, almost Victorian-looking mirror the walls. They are decorated with stylized motifs Baikal. This and some other feature of this campaign, such as curtains or the board range of mineral make clear that we take the train "Moscow-Severobaikalsk Severobaikalsk. It is used in Severobaikalsk and operated under the responsibility of the local railway department. Later we sit

together and share our resources. Unfortunately, our urgent shopping trip was on the station square of Nizhny Novgorod, not very productive. But Olga drags a huge bag of only about food. She had a stopover in Moscow on their Relationship is inserted. There was her brother, apparently a new rich Moscow, given her a huge supply of food, which they had extra to buy a new bag. Even Italian ham was there.

Olga is German-Russian descent and lives in Heidelberg, where she is researching a scientific foundation of topics in genetics. She has a doctorate in biology. It proved to be very communicative - others would call it talkative and dominates with its somewhat self-centered nature often the conversations in the group. Oliver will tell me later, questions whether I is not even on my nerves. Well - everyone has their own characteristics. We will judge us as a group how well we are clear with each other to come. I made up my mind, I do not make a decision too quickly.

Our Provodniks, a couple whose male part, we had already seen, we concluded soon friendship - especially Olga, who developed a relationship with Tanya, the Provodnitza, there was a well Volga-German descent and quick with her a heart and a soul was.


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