Friday, June 30, 2006

Bleeding After Eatingmushroom

An afternoon in Nizhny Novgorod

06/30/2006: Die Bolschaja Pokrowskaja ist die Prominierstraße von Nishni Novgorod. Sie verläuft vom Gorkiplatz bis zum trutzigen Kreml.
The Bolshaya Pokrovskaya is the celebrity Nier road from Nizhny Novgorod. It runs from Gorky Square to the defiant Kremlin. Historische Gebäude säumen die Prachtstraße und Marina und Sweta erzählen uns Wissenswertes darüber.
Historic buildings line the avenue and Marina and Sweta us to know about it. Das Theater in Ekaterinischem Klassizismus - dieser Zuckerbäckerstil wird bis heute in Russlands Architektur gern nachempfunden.
Theatre in Ekaterine classicism - this cake style is still used in Russian architecture, inspired by love.
Thus began our stroll around town - so to speak, officially - at the Maxim Gorky monument. Of course they are proud of this famous son of the city, whose name she bore Soviet times. Finally, his literary works, even if he manipulated by the Soviet cultural policy as a proletarian poet, without controversy.

We stroll along the Gorky Square and enter the Bolshaya Pokrovskaya - a central Promeniermeile the city. This boulevard is a pedestrian area of superlatives. With 1.4 kilometers long, it is probably the longest pedestrian street in Russia. Who here expected massive Stalinist buildings will be pleasantly surprised. It dominates Ekaterine classicism. The road is quite comparable with the Moscow Arbat. But somehow she is likeable to me than the Arbat, which is perhaps the light summertime atmosphere, or only on the non-existent crowds of Nepphändlern - it just seems comfortable, in spite of the masses who are here on the road.

We walk along this road. From time to time, we remain a family portrait session, are and Sweta or Marina tells us about one or the other architectural highlights, or just interesting things about the city.

Nizhny Novgorod is a city of millions. Only Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk are surely greater. Otherwise, Nizhny Novgorod, Ekaterinburg competes with for fourth place on the list of the largest cities in Russia . Sweta is sure: our city is the fourth largest in Russia. According to Wikipedia, but has already Ekaterinburg Nizhny Novgorod by 2006 advanced to fourth place, albeit with a few thousand inhabitants more.

The street is lined with trees or alternately of renovated old building facades. Countless shops, kiosks and cafes offering their services. In front of a historic building of the University of paintings are offered for sale.

Damals wie heute: Im inneren des Kreml stehen Kirchen und repräsentative Verwaltungsgebäude. Rechts von uns (nicht im Bild) brennt die ewige Flamme, dahinter bildet die Kremlmauer einen majestätischen Balkon über der Wolga.
Then and now: Inside the Kremlin are churches and prestigious office buildings. To our right (not pictured) is on the eternal flame, is behind the Kremlin wall, a majestic balcony overlooking the Volga. Der Kreml wurde einst auf einem Hügel unterhalb der Okamündung angelegt. Hier blickt man Wolgaaufwärts und sieht links hinter dem Kreml die Oka münden.
The Kremlin was once built on a hill below the Okamündung. Here you can look up and see Volga left behind the Kremlin Oka lead. Das Minin-und-Poscharski-Denkmal in der Altstadt unterhalb des Kreml.
The Minin and Pozharsky monument in the old city beneath the Kremlin.
In the distance, at the end of the Boulevard, is one of the Kremlin towers visual completion. Comfortable step, we approach him. Past a historic building of the Russian bank and the theater in the classical style.

Finally, we are faced with the Kremlin. This was once the fortified city limits. The fortified walls to fend off the attacks of the Tatars and Mongols, and this they did with success. This dramatic of all the Kremlin in the Russian Grand Duchy was the attacks of the Tatars in 1520 and 1536 stand.

Now is the gate open to visitors and we enter the interior of the Kremlin. Right hand is directly behind the Kremlin wall is a gallery of historical military equipment: tanks, howitzers and the like. It will probably symbolize the military machine of the city.

We walk through the Kremlin to the upper limit in the direction of the river bank, past representative office buildings and religious buildings. This is also the eternal flame. Behind it opened a breathtaking view over the Volga River and the mouth of the Oka to the left.

We leave the Kremlin by one of the landward gates and walk outside the Kremlin wall along the eastern. Here's a fairly new, gorgeous Free staircase was built, over which one can go down the Volga. Also here to stay and we enjoy the view. Then we get down to the old town on the river bank.

Here we are surrounded by historical buildings. About fortified tower on the walls of the Kremlin. We come to a monument that strikes me as strangely familiar. It is the monument to Minin and Pozharsky , which is just as well as in Moscow's Red Square. Sweta says this: Of course, the original monument in Moscow, because the heroes Minin and Pozharsky the liberation of Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian occupation in 1612 are. But Minin and Pozharsky Nizhny Novgorod are sons and advanced with a volunteer army from our city to Moscow. Therefore, they are also heroes of this city. For this reason, we have built here a faithful replica of the Moscow Minin and Pozharsky monument.

After this digression, it is already time to go back to the station. By Sweta we leave here, Marina accompanied us to the train. With a local bus proppevollen again we return to the station where we purchase food in a hurry and get the backpacks from the luggage storage. We enter the platform as our train coming from Moscow, already rolling up.


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