Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Small Single Seat Aircra


Have the December 5, 2010 for the first time a Roboexotica visited exhibition and was very impressed.
Roboexotica 2010th Click on the image to see individual pictures. Source: License: CC-BY-SA

Roboexotica The mix is an event at the robot cocktails. Artists (eg Mono), students (strongly represented: Joanneum Graz) and hobbyists (eg from the Metalab) meet one weekend a year long drinking in Vienna to the robot own heart .... and cocktail. There is also a program of lectures and parties.

The "robots" were more of an art exhibition installations as a machine, so you could, for example:

  • search secretes a giant chicken so long after it switches to eggnog,
  • order yourself a drink via touch screen was automatically mixed, stirred and labeled
  • are falling into a human jukebox play for a song on the ukulele, playing
  • A video game with a light pen on a glass plate, the score given the drink (you had to remove from the clutches of a nasty Styrofoam rat),
  • Per marble run a drink-spin set in motion
  • vodka drink from a toilet bowl, etc.

particularly impressed me the mix of guests (mostly international), pricing (free donation to dial), the wonderfully quirky robot ideas, and above all the atmosphere.

Conclusion: highly recommended visit, I'm looking forward to the Roboexotica 2011th

FH Joanneum Graz:

Here are some photos and video (to see more photos click on the picture above):


All photos: source:, license: CC-BY-SA


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