Monday, July 3, 2006

Free Plans For Mini Buggy

The distance Yenisei and other highlights

Das neue Bahnhofsgebäude von Krasnojarsk war 2006 fertig gestellt. The new station building Krasnoyarsk was completed in 2006 Diesmal ist auch der Bahnsteig neu gepflastert und kein Nebel über dem Jenissei vor den Bergen im Osten. This time is paved and the new platform, not a mist over the mountains to the east front of the Yenisei. Der Recke Jenissej - der wasserreichste sibirische Strom. The distance Yenisei - the most water Siberian current.
03:07:06: The early morning greets us in Krasnoyarsk. We take a morning walk along the platform, which we encounter bustling with activity in the morning sun. We note that the new station building is now completed and the platform is now paved, which last year was still under construction. Only a few remaining work of construction workers performed. The view east is impressive as last year. The mountain range forms a barrier across the Yenisei in the haze. Only the fog over the river this time are not there. Viewed from here, you can hardly believe that even before the mountains flows a mile-wide river.

After a few obligatory purchases and photos on the platform it is again: All aboard! Then we continue and we roll out of the station, first over to the new buildings of Krasnoyarsk, and then the railway bridge.

Christian makes us to a work site near the river closely. On a large area are agricultural machinery, especially combines. This work was one the largest in the former Soviet Union and built to combine the VEB to progress under license.

Then we roll over the bridge and marvel at the mighty Yenisey stretching, which is considered the most water Siberian current. Finally, we dive into the western foothills of the Sayan Mountains.

Taischet - Blick von der Fußgängerbrücke in Richtung Osten, wo sich die BAM von der Transsib trennt. Taishet - View from the pedestrian bridge to the east, where they are separated by the Trans Siberian BAM. An der BAM ändert sich das Bild: Wälder, kaum Landwirtschaft, dafür Forstwirtschaft. At BAM, the picture changes: forests, little agriculture, but forestry. Relativ gemächlich zieht die BAM ihre Kurven durch die Taiga. moves slowly relative to BAM its curves through the taiga.
Now the landscape is varied and draws me back like last year in his car. It is this alternation of taiga and steppe landscape, which fascinates me.

About seven hours we drive so - with a longer stop in Iljanskaja - to Taishet. Railway experts know: This is where the chaff from the wheat. The wimps go south to the Trans-Siberian Railway to Irkutsk, the tough guys but go north with the BAM. Well jokes aside, here in Taishet is the last station of common age-Trans-Siberian and BAM, the Baikal-Amur Mainline. After the train has left Taishet, one can very well see how the two rail lines to dig up, the Trans-Siberian Liene pans with multi-track pomp to the southeast, and the BAM-line modestly less traveled, and later single-track line edges away in the northeast.

BAM is different from the ancient Trans-Siberian Railway. One sees fewer places, little more agriculture, but a lot of taiga. The few places through which we roll, are usually only Holzverladestationen the forestry along the railway line.

This landscape will change to Bratsk little more and that will be around midnight. The giant dam of the Bratsk Hydropower Plant, we will then admire more in the dark can only see the lights of Bratsk will be reflected in the huge water reservoir.


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