The creative universe
A Documentary about two seemingly contradictory trends: on the one hand, the faith in science - on the other hand, the growing interest in spirituality, mysticism, mysticism and religion.
The science is today, as the great authority of knowledge, whose findings generally recognized and celebrated around the world. In their area rule no divine or supernatural Kräftte but measurable phenomena such as natural laws and molecules - have created in the process of self-organization all life - as the successor of Darwin. On the other hand, feel more and more people attracted to spiritual world views that they seem to offer more comprehensive sense horizons. Interest in esoteric Buddhism, anthroposophy, nature religions, meditation and mysticism of the world religions is growing from year to year. How are these different worlds are compatible? We live in a kind of cultural schizophrenia, where one is publicly committed to evolution, but privately but would rather believe in angels, shamans, gods and ghosts? Are the images and values of the spiritual traditions with the astonishing results of modern research, they remain employable or pure matters of faith?
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