Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Walk Inmedical Clinics Toronto

recycling ton

The Conservation Federation of Germany has filed a petition for the introduction of the recycling bin. The goal is to "nationwide to introduce a recycling barrel, in all appropriate recyclables are collected from households, together with packaging. This should include the primacy of material recovery (recycling) to the combustion of sorted and unsorted waste with Recycling Waste Act will apply. "(quoting Petition) is so far burned much of the recyclable waste to the incinerators enough food have. Often burned things that could be used or their raw materials could be recycled. The recycling barrel will change that. The petition is https:. / / epetitionen.bundestag.de / index.php action = petition; sa = details; to find the petition = 13 663 NaBu also has an action page at http://www.verwerten-statt- verbrennen.de /

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Battlestar Galactica Pinewood Derby Car

participatory politics: campaign, "Let's make us strong" and "grass on the ring "Telephone vs.


Parliament Vienna. Copyright: Horst JENS, CC-BY


Adi hash (center) during election campaigns Karmelitermarkt, 18-9-2010.
Source: http://www.facebook.com/gruene.leopoldstadt
last Saturday it was ready: On Karmelitermarkt I moved the first time in my life, a party's uniform - I helped the Vienna Open on the 2nd District during the election campaign, specifically by blow and spread of balloons. Note the plaque-feminism in which young voters in the middle of the image, and his statement: "I am for women and ... you have to charm his. "cunning, the youth of today. The Karmelitermarkt ( Bobostan ) is for the Greens more like a home game, I would like in any case, District Deputy Adi hash that he finally moving into the district government creates
young Karmelitermarkt, 19-9-2010
Copyright:.. Horst JENS, CC-BY

we make ourselves strong demo
On the same evening I experienced the joys of a car-free piece ring road: Because of the " Let us strong " demo which was relocated from the Castle to the captaincy from Heroes' Square Heroes' was one of the ring road outside the Heroes' to the pedestrians.

We are doing our demo, Heroes', 19-9-2010
Copyright: Horst JENS, CC-BY
saw on my way home I then before the Servite a campfire with singing ... Scouts in the middle of the city.

scouts before the Servite, 19-9-2010
Copyright: Horst JENS, CC-BY

lawn on the ring by several environmental organizations and bike was now the "grass on Ring "- organized a picnic ... The ring road between Heldentor and Mariahilfer street was covered with real grass and turned into a picnic area. Can be so beautiful Vienna!

all of the above images: "grass on the ring-demo", Vienna, 22-9-2010
Copyright: Horst JENS, CC-BY
this "noise" I would like to hear more often instead of traffic noise:

given my book:
"Virus Auto" by Prof. Hermann Knoflacher .

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How To Know When A Wart Is Dying

Fair mice

PHEV: Fair electronics manufacturing project has decided to make a start and to bring a device on the market that provides sustainable (social, environmental) conditions is made: A fair mouse. Because a disproportionate number of overtime hours, extremely hazardous working conditions, child labor, significant environmental destruction that the people inflicting basic harm the environment, etc. determine the daily business in the electronics industry. Particularly affected are those steps that, often for cost reasons, are not very mechanized. This particularly large number of unskilled workers are employed. These are not specialized and therefore easily replaceable and also inexpensive. This is the case for example in the extraction of raw materials, especially ores of which are essential metals such as copper, tin, gold, tantalum, etc. won. These raw materials often come from developing countries. Here it is particularly common in the mining industry and to exploit very young children. The health effects and environmental degradation in these areas are devastating. Not to forget is the oil that is used as the basis for plastic. Also involved in the production of this "everyday products" make human rights violations are not uncommon dar. ...
more information, please visit her http://www.phefe.de/
worthy of support Absolutely!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mastrabated My Sister In The Store

The creative universe

A Documentary about two seemingly contradictory trends: on the one hand, the faith in science - on the other hand, the growing interest in spirituality, mysticism, mysticism and religion.
The science is today, as the great authority of knowledge, whose findings generally recognized and celebrated around the world. In their area rule no divine or supernatural Kräftte but measurable phenomena such as natural laws and molecules - have created in the process of self-organization all life - as the successor of Darwin. On the other hand, feel more and more people attracted to spiritual world views that they seem to offer more comprehensive sense horizons. Interest in esoteric Buddhism, anthroposophy, nature religions, meditation and mysticism of the world religions is growing from year to year. How are these different worlds are compatible? We live in a kind of cultural schizophrenia, where one is publicly committed to evolution, but privately but would rather believe in angels, shamans, gods and ghosts? Are the images and values of the spiritual traditions with the astonishing results of modern research, they remain employable or pure matters of faith?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Installation Was Interupted Befor Acronis

It is up to you ..

"It is time to step out of the shadows, time to decide. You can do it and you're not alone. I'm with you, I was here all the time. And now, play your game, the game for You're alone determines what you have been placed in the cradle. Are you ready? Remember "
A film clip: The Legend of Bagger Vance

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Buying A Tv Before The Super Bowl

INNATEX - green fashion for today

Sustainable consumption corresponds to the zeitgeist is why putting more and more customers. also the purchase of textiles is important that, neither man nor nature in the course of the value chain damage. This trend is also at international fashion fairs, where "sustainable" fashion is ever more present.
The INNATEX forms as a trade fair Sustainable textiles have a unique continuity and remains the largest platform of its kind a fixture in the fair. Here the international retail experience of the pioneers of sustainability as well as the young spirit of the emerging young labels. Tradition and modernity, thus forming a fruitful symbiosis.

next Meese Prebook Date: 29 - 01/31/2011

Here a review of the last Mass: