Saturday, May 17, 2008

Milena Velba Dailymotion Dodge

Friendship - Day 1: Drive to Chakusy

Zunächst beluden wir den SchTEO-Bus mit unserer Camp-Ausrüstung, dann gings nach Nishneangarsk zum Hafen. First, we loaded the bus with our SchTEO Camp Equipment, then we went to the harbor after Nizhneangarsk. Der Bus am Anleger in Nishneangarsk. Von unserem Boot war weit und breit nichts zu sehen. The bus at the pier in Nizhneangarsk. From our boat was nowhere to be seen. Wir bildeten eine Kette und entluden den Bus. Unser Boot war inzwischen auch da, aber wir durften noch nicht an Bord. We formed a chain and unloaded the bus. Our boat was now too, but we were not allowed on board.
05:07:06: This day was the arrival into this year's camp - the GBT project "Bridge of Friendship" in Chakusy (English Khakusy). He was regarded as the first day of our project.

He began with breakfast in SchTEO, which has already been prepared by our camp supplies. Then the SchTEO-owned bus was being loaded. Our luggage, the Inventories, the tools and materials. I noticed that the hinges are solid indeed made, but were not deleted. Since they were made of carbon steel, they would need a corrosion protection. We would have to paint on site. The color was also ready for it and enjoyed myself, it was pink.

After the bus was loaded, there was a group photo before SchTEO. Then we got in and drove to Nizhneangarsk. That rents are around 30 kilometers. The road is paved and runs parallel to the BAM-track, the somewhat disappears above the road sometimes in tunnels.

After about thirty minutes we are in Nizhneangarsk. This settlement did not occur until the BAM, as Severobaikalsk and therefore considerably older. Therefore, it is also the seat of Rajon management for the North Baikal circle. There is also a regional airport which is served by several times a week both from Irkutsk and from Ulan-Ude.

Arriving at the Pier, we are seeing a boat, a cutter of Jaroslavez class from which it was called but it was not ours. We formed a chain and unloaded the bus. The baggage and camp paraphernalia we stacked directly on the feeder.

Nachdem der Kapitän das Boarding genehmigt hatte, luden wir das Gepäck aufs Oberdeck und bald danach legten wir ab. After the captain had authorized the boarding, we loaded the luggage to the upper deck and soon after we took off. Nach einer teilweise etwas verschlafenen Überfahrt kommen die Holzhäuser von Chakusy in Sicht. After a little sleepy sometimes crossing the wooden houses of Chakusy come into view. An diesem Tag kümmern wir uns um die Infrastruktur, richten die Kochstelle ein und beginnen mit der Picknik-Launch. On this day we take care of the infrastructure, set up the heat and start the picnic launch.
Then it was said, but that's probably our boat, his name was also "Chakusy" as our goal. But because the captain was not there, could also not yet on board. At some point it went But going on. Again form a chain and stacked on the upper deck of the trawler. When we finally took off, I fumbled a bit too stern table with my binoculars and whoosh, I sacrificed a lens cap to the Father Baikal. I hoped he will continue to me the next day, well disposed.

The trip took just over three hours. Then appeared the silhouette of the Bay of Chakusy. On board were Elena Lagutina the GBT, which wanted to get an idea of the work of the GBT at the North Baikal and as it turned out during the trip, Sergei Nikolaevich, the administrator of the Khakusy sanatorium. From him we received in the course of the project a very good support.

After creating it was still hard times: Chain form and all of them onto the feeder. Then load the tractor (According to Christian is called the vehicle correctly mast). This brought things to the mouth of the river - our river. Now it was to make a camp site identified. We opted for a light, heath-like Taiga section adjacent dunes towards the Baikal. The big downside was we had to haul everything or almost 500 feet, where we all had to go several times, until everything was there. The site was chosen

very cozy and the size of our camp was enough space provided. Only for the infrastructure had to be taken care of. From the artifacts and Boards of older camp, we started first with the fireplace. At the same time built up all their tents. Next, we went to the picnic Lounge.


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