Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Liner For Aluminum Boat

of Lena and Baikal mountains - finally here!

Das Bahnhofsgebäude von Ust-Kut, welches den Stationsnamen Lena trägt. The station building from Ust-Kut, which carries the station name Lena Gleich werden wir die Lena überqueren - Oliver fotografiert pausenlos. Soon we will cross the Lena - Oliver photographed constantly. Wir winden uns ins Baikalgebirge hinauf, umringt von zweitausender Gipfeln. We wind up in the Baikal Mountains, surrounded by two of thousands of peaks.
04:07:06: Oliver had decided to get up early that day. He wanted to enjoy this last day of travel the varied landscape, which would result from Ust-Kut past us. Even before the arrival in get up Ust-Kut , had to get up early - very early, compared to recent days. Of course, also increases the excitement, if such a long car ride coming to an end.

Thus, we are on our arrival at the station Lena - this is the station of Ust-Kut - alert and ready for the first exit of the day. This time there are also some photos from the station. The sun is just rising and casts a long shadow. After the train is moving again, we roll through industrial wasteland. We see a building fire, but which is deleted by some fire departments and almost smoldering plumes of smoke rising from the charred building can be. Then the train clings ever closer to the west bank of the Lena and reveals a view of the river across to the wooded slopes of the eastern side.

Oliver is already armed with a camera to document the trip on the Lena photographs. Finally, we cross it, the Lena, which flows freely from dams to the Arctic Ocean and from Ust-Kut is navigable downstream - but only at the ice-free season from June to October.

After we passed the railway bridge, curve the tracks again to the mountain slope and slowly gain altitude. After we have already climbed to an impressive height of the Lena, the BAM adopted by the Lena, with a last breathtaking views of the majestic valley and swings in a side valley, which belongs to the foothills of the Baikal Mountains.

Einfahrt in den BAM-Tunnel vor Severobaikalsk - für Eisenbahnfan Oliver ein oligatorisches Fotomotiv. entrance to the tunnel before Severobaikalsk BAM - for a railfan Oliver oligatorisches photo. Der erste Tag in Sewerobaikalsk - ein Fastfood-Mahl unterm Sonnenschirm am zentralen Platz. The first day in Severobaikalsk - a fast-food meal under the umbrella on the central square. Blick vom zentralen Platz in Richtung Hinterland. view from the central square towards the hinterland.
begins for us one of the best BAM-sections. Although there are still many hours to Severobaikalsk, one finds little time to eat or pack up the items for the upcoming arrival. The changing pristine mountain landscapes attract constant views.

is some point where it and we pull a big loop around Strelka, before entering the first big BAM tunnel. Oliver also busily photographed. The conductor asked us to close in the tunnel window. He told us we would whisper of any radiation in the tunnel. Even if I do not believe the law, may we close the windows so that simply no musty tunnel air penetrates into the car. On the other side of the tunnel we are almost there. By Davan we drive along the valley of the river Goudshekit and after its confluence with the Tyja Tyja along the valley up to Lake Baikal, where the train station at Severobaikalsk holds.

Now we are here - finally! After disembarking, we can discover no "welcoming committee". A little later appears Ljuba and welcomed us warmly. When she learns that Matt has not come along, she is disappointed visible, but only for a short time. Together, we drive to the SchTEO - the School of Tourism and Environmental Education ", which Staff of the same GBT and hostel is.

In SchTEO (Russian ШТЭО), we make further acquaintance. All are busy to pack tools and supplies. We decide to stay in SchtEO and bring our bags in the room. After welcoming all friend, I am going with Aliona in a shed where there is the steel cable. There are two down in rings of rope with a diameter of 11 mm and a very strong individual wires. It is therefore very stiff and brought my cable clamps really too thick, because I had that selected for a 10-mm rope. Then I checked with Aliona the tools. We found that we needed some special things, such as a hacksaw. Aliona summarily decided that I should go with Yegor in a hardware store and get the missing items. Yegor chauffeured his father the car there and we bought everything we needed.

Back in SchTEO all other preparations were already made and we said goodbye for the rest of the day from our Russian friends. Then we went into town for dining and entertainment. Back in SchTEO finally found a night's rest at one of the local dormitory rooms.


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