Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Temporary Visitor Stamps

matures An idea

11/30/2005: at the camp on the shores of the Bay Ajaja I have the best memories. We were a force in harmony, friendship and exuberance. The close proximity to nature was terrific. Back in Germany, I carried the memory of that time as a constant feeling of elation in me and always saw the landscape before me, who had experienced first hand. The company of exuberant youthful squad I missed often.

Erinnerung an das Camp 2005: Regina und ich am Frolicha-See.
memory of the camp 2005: Regina and I am Frolikha Lake.
The initial decision to make this trip as a unique experience behind us and next year to do something completely different, gradually yielded to the request, but again to go to Baikal, preferably back to the Ajaja.

This feeling was deepened by the follow-up meeting of the Baikal plan Brotterode. I reminded me of that day when Regina and I to Frolikha Lake have migrated in order to enjoy just a few hours on the banks of the lake, the nature and unwind. On the same day, made Helmut, and Andrew Oliver on a tour a bit more ambitious: They wanted to lower Frolikha, Frolikha the end of the lake, go further and that cross the northern shore of the lake walk.

The road from the bay to Ajaja Frolikha Lake fork, immediately before the western end of the lake. The path leads in a southerly direction, and be walked out near the shore to a point on the lake, which is very well suited as a storage place for larger groups. Next on the south shore is lost along the path.

Erinnerung an das Camp 2005: Alle packen an. memory of the camp 2005: to pack all. Erinnerung an das Camp 2005: Ausgelassenhaeit am Lagerfeuer an der Ajaja-Bucht. memory of the camp 2005: Ausgelassenhaeit campfire at the Ajaja Bay. Das Ende einer Wanderung: Der Frolicha-Fluß - hier müsste eine Brücke hin.
The end of a hike: The Frolikha River - here, a bridge would have. (Photo: Helmut Uttenthaler )
Oliver, Helmut, and Andrew followed the northern branch. A few hundred yards of the road is still good. We even have cleaned it in the past few days here to a "Simovje," a ranger hut and made accessible. Next in North but they had to beat through the brush, because the trail was practically invisible. Erlengesträuch and cripple cedars grow very quickly in the bright space that offers an unused path and block it crosswise, like the lances of a palace guard, to say nothing of fallen trees throughout. About an hour passes before they hit the rocky bed of the lower Frolikha River. He is still a stately white-water, although it has not rained for weeks. The closer to the river they came was all the more clear: There is no way to wade lightly. It did not change after they have a due units were running along the River. Andrei tested again possible Watgänge or fords. Finally it happened: In a fresh attack to ford the river at a supposedly shallow spot, he slipped and involuntarily takes a bath. The jamboree is huge, but the project is declared failed. Finally, one must also cross the river on the way back again and wanted to do that to you on a relaxed day trip yet. So they stayed a while on the river and then came back.

this experience, I know only from the descriptions of the three. But it made me realize several things.
First: I myself have the "lower Frolikha" not seen what me a bit sad right. But what is not, may be yet.
Second: This river is a multiple challenge, even for those who migrate from the north along the Baikal and the other for those who wanted the transmutor Frolikha Lake north. Both from the perspective of the Great Baikal Trail "most attractive routes. Thirdly, however, for me personally: To create a link across the river, allowing the walkers a safe passage and yet so appealing looks like the landscape itself, in which it embeds itself: a suspension bridge.


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