19:08:05 8:00 clock: Again we have spent a comfortable night. Today is our train to Moscow. He goes to Moscow time in the late morning, but we know that already. After time, this is of course in the afternoon. Nevertheless, we asked the hotel manager to explore this further. After a phone call to the station they confirmed this.
The latest time for check-off for the hotel was clock 12:00. But we were already done - if only because the breakfast buffet closed. In the lobby were a lot of luggage. A tourist group had arrived from Hamburg, we were told. Even if we still had plenty of time, we decided to drive into town. The large backpacks, we would drag along somehow.
The tram was all no problem. As already mentioned, we paid five rubles apiece per pack - Peenuts. We climbed back to the Rynok with the intent to seek a place where you could sit in the shade and always someone to watch out the backpacks, some of the troops would be able to remove temporarily.
In search of a shady bank, we passed several street vendors, many of them Chinese. There were a cobbler here who offered their services directly on the sidewalk. Since we had the idea to have some things set in order, a torn strap sandals and a compression strap to one of the backpacks, which was about to completely uproot. The cobbler was done by the fast and reliable and required very little, I think the backpack for 5 rubles and 20 rubles for the sandal.
On the back of the large commercial building we found a bank that was halfway in the shadows and settled down. You sat there very good, only one was ever approached by beggars. The boys made their first on the Internet Cafe, where they stayed for a long time.
I realized that the beggar again returned to a specific time when they would make regular rounds. But after I had some what, I also noticed that they thank their repeated tours not responded, but only walked toward other people.
After the boys were back, and I made Regina a small round and took some classes of drinks and hot Tschebureki (dumplings with meat) with. They were really tasty and said to them all. Regina also bought nor any herb, which should be boiled as a tea soothing and healing.
some point we decided to go to the station and wait for the rest of the time there. We got into the tram lines 1 and drove in front of station's building. Although the sun had already passed the zenith, but the afternoon was only really become oppressive. So we first went in the shadow of the platform first But there we were kind of militia, but firmly asked to leave. The stay on the platforms is permitted only before the arrival of the train and during the maintenance. We have at the train station waiting rooms. So we went into such. Until the train departure, it was still about 2 hours.
The waiting room was quite pleasant, though well attended. One had only to run off and into another hall, to see if the platform our train was announced. These are usually announced in Russia just before entering or making the trains.
The kiosks at the train station covered us with another to eat. Actually, no compelling need, as you refresh yourself while driving can, in many ways. But when one should drink in the heat already have a supply.
Sometime's it so far. The train was announced and notified to the platform. The masses began to move. It was the train No. 339-340 Chita-Moscow. We were doubly excited - even whether they will accept on a train with such a high number (where foreign tourists ride much less often) our € Domino ticket without hesitation and secondly, how we are placed, as was stated on our tickets are no fixed seats ( see also contribution to the ticket-buying ).
But everything went smoothly, though here again our tickets, raised curiosity and questions, and between the Prowodnitsas were passed around. With the places we had the misfortune to be divided into two separate compartments, but what in hindsight turned out to be not so bad. We were with Regina in a compartment, where were already an old lady and a student in the Gothic look. John Matze and came in a compartment with a young blond girl and (businessman) an initially somewhat Brummelen Bisnesmen. One had the impression that he was hoping for a romantic evening alone with the blonde in the compartment. But he melted at some point too. In accordance with custom, we hardly notice as the train began to move, while we were busy trying to establish ourselves.
So we were rolling again in the evening and at some point in the night, this time the setting sun behind. We made ourselves comfortable and soon talked a little with our fellow passengers, while John and Matthias paced again to the dining car to get some beer: With a total of 35 doors that they had counted.
The tram was all no problem. As already mentioned, we paid five rubles apiece per pack - Peenuts. We climbed back to the Rynok with the intent to seek a place where you could sit in the shade and always someone to watch out the backpacks, some of the troops would be able to remove temporarily.
In search of a shady bank, we passed several street vendors, many of them Chinese. There were a cobbler here who offered their services directly on the sidewalk. Since we had the idea to have some things set in order, a torn strap sandals and a compression strap to one of the backpacks, which was about to completely uproot. The cobbler was done by the fast and reliable and required very little, I think the backpack for 5 rubles and 20 rubles for the sandal.
I realized that the beggar again returned to a specific time when they would make regular rounds. But after I had some what, I also noticed that they thank their repeated tours not responded, but only walked toward other people.
After the boys were back, and I made Regina a small round and took some classes of drinks and hot Tschebureki (dumplings with meat) with. They were really tasty and said to them all. Regina also bought nor any herb, which should be boiled as a tea soothing and healing.
some point we decided to go to the station and wait for the rest of the time there. We got into the tram lines 1 and drove in front of station's building. Although the sun had already passed the zenith, but the afternoon was only really become oppressive. So we first went in the shadow of the platform first But there we were kind of militia, but firmly asked to leave. The stay on the platforms is permitted only before the arrival of the train and during the maintenance. We have at the train station waiting rooms. So we went into such. Until the train departure, it was still about 2 hours.
The waiting room was quite pleasant, though well attended. One had only to run off and into another hall, to see if the platform our train was announced. These are usually announced in Russia just before entering or making the trains.
The kiosks at the train station covered us with another to eat. Actually, no compelling need, as you refresh yourself while driving can, in many ways. But when one should drink in the heat already have a supply.
Sometime's it so far. The train was announced and notified to the platform. The masses began to move. It was the train No. 339-340 Chita-Moscow. We were doubly excited - even whether they will accept on a train with such a high number (where foreign tourists ride much less often) our € Domino ticket without hesitation and secondly, how we are placed, as was stated on our tickets are no fixed seats ( see also contribution to the ticket-buying ).
But everything went smoothly, though here again our tickets, raised curiosity and questions, and between the Prowodnitsas were passed around. With the places we had the misfortune to be divided into two separate compartments, but what in hindsight turned out to be not so bad. We were with Regina in a compartment, where were already an old lady and a student in the Gothic look. John Matze and came in a compartment with a young blond girl and (businessman) an initially somewhat Brummelen Bisnesmen. One had the impression that he was hoping for a romantic evening alone with the blonde in the compartment. But he melted at some point too. In accordance with custom, we hardly notice as the train began to move, while we were busy trying to establish ourselves.
So we were rolling again in the evening and at some point in the night, this time the setting sun behind. We made ourselves comfortable and soon talked a little with our fellow passengers, while John and Matthias paced again to the dining car to get some beer: With a total of 35 doors that they had counted.
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