Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When Will Yukon Changebody

Play laughing butterflies

Who hears laughing butterflies
knows how clouds taste.
is in the moonlight, undisturbed
fear Explore the night.

The plant is used to when he wants;
to the animal, the fool, the wise, and
can travel in one hour only
through the whole universe.

The white, that he knows nothing, know nothing
as everyone else;
only he knows what the other
and he himself have to learn.

who feel themselves in foreign banks
and has the courage to stretch themselves,
the beginning, undisturbed
fear, discover themselves.

down to the peaks
of himself, he breaks up;
the fight with his underworld
he takes on left.

butterflies who laugh hears
knows how clouds taste. The
is in the moonlight, undisturbed discover
of fear that night.

Who lives in peace with itself,
will die just
and even livelier,
than all his heirs.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Tri-fold Full Lengthmirror

Big Brother Awards 2010

Last night I visited the first time a Big Brother Award in Vienna Rabenhof theater. Who was not there, has missed something!
The ceremony was recorded on video, more information there are on the official website .

audience before Rabenhof Theater

the Big Brother Award will have excellent politicians, entrepreneurs and organizations distinguished themselves particularly to the violation of Datenschuztrechte and privacy of citizens . The "winner" will be presented, usually in the absence and vigorously booed, but the opportunity to personally pick up their prices (and justify) and to publish an opinion on the Big Brother website.


The Big Brother Award is originally from the UK and is awarded irregularly in over 25 countries. Austria is a special Big Brother-country: Only in Austria, there is continually a year for 12 years, a Big-Brother-Award "event".

've personally had a lot to do only 2 times with a Big-Brother-Award:
the first time several years ago in the local Flex Danube Canal, where price trophies - small, battery-powered robot - "the plank" into the Danube Canal marched. Since a robot technology requires refused and instead marched on the stand, he was scared by kick kicked in a wide arc into the Danube Canal ... An unforgettable experience. The Awards ceremony hosted at the time of the cabaret Thomas Maurer .

few years later I heard on the Chaos Computer Congress 2006 in Berlin a lecture on the Austrian Big-Brother-Award. was amid great applause reported Austrian Big Brother Awards, including a price of from living, huge cockroaches (in a Plexiglas cylinder) existed and sustainable by lifetime award Lifelong-annoying Elisabeth Gehrer Award for approach to the novel 1984 " - Elisabeth Gehrer was Education Minister during the blue-black coalition

Big Brother Award. 2010

prevailed in theater from 20:00 Rabenhof already dense crowd. The tickets cost just as likeable 0, - €, but were still issued with a serious expression, controlled and destroyed. Also gratifying: I was able to get one of the very cool Big-Brother-Award T-Shirts .

T-shirts. Order ink below the article

led through the evening TV presenter Dagmar Streicher , next to the bands music titles Squishysquid " and kilo music and an art project (Testicular scan) of the duo " monochrome " the individual presenters were presented to which the nominations. A voiceover then announced the jury's decision and the winner in each category, accompanied by loud whistles and boos from the audience.

the first time I had the opportunity the physicist Werner Gruber (known from Science Busters ) to see live. In a video recording was shown as Mr Gruber for a television report thermite by a body scanner smuggled and could thus demonstrate the absurdity of the whole anti-terrorist measures. Because of his demonstration was the use of body scanners Germany moved into Belgium and canceled an order. He is by his own admission since the most prominent body scanner model.

Science Buster Werner Gruber, aircraft explosives into cans and presenter Dagmar Streicher

lifelong nuisance

the grand prize in the category "lifelong nuisance" were deservedly the "Internet -barrier " who want to impose on the pretext of combating child pornography, censorship and power locks on the Internet for music and film industry for their" help to rights ".


felt a politically interested person I am when it comes to privacy and civil rights actually quite well informed, at the Big-Brother-Award-Gala, I learned I did not know details about privacy and abuse of rights in Austria, which made me very upset.

beat so Justice Minister Claudia Bandion-Ortner [ÖVP] (thanks to a massive "campaign" of the Greens) in the price of local politicians Minister Fekter (also People's Party). While Ms. Fekter campaign actions (prison for young children) by the Viennese election campaign are well known to me Bandion-Ortner's recent actions were less aware of: Weeks of pre-trial detention and had set fire to a suspicion of forming a terrorist organization against four young people engaging in wastepaper baskets. Moreover subpoena of journalists (including profile) for interrogation and prosecution by the Fraud Squad because the journalists had quoted from a running process, which in Germany (sic) shall be punishable. Mind you, not in Austria! Even the interrogating police officer had to admit that there is nothing against the journalists.


for two awards-nominees-but-not-elected (by Attac and from a SMS competition) took the opportunity to justify himself in public. The spokesman of Attac (it was about the illegally obtained CD with control data) pleaded for equal treatment in the privacy of labor income and investment income. The speaker of the mobile contest called for nominations for Big Brother Award withdraw if an opinion of the company can refute the allegations. While the audience Attacking the speaker was well-disposed reaped the mobile lottery spokesman boos.

Datenklauskandal margins even in the Big-Brother-Award: The newspaper "Der Standard online " The winners have published at 20:00 on their site before the official proclamation at the event ... apparently there is a " data leakage "in the Big Brother organization.
Mr. Gruber forgot his explosives-Flascherln after his appearance at the podium - the moderator they had him into a hilarious grudge. A male presenter was "Renate" as presented and a laudatory speech, stumbled several times with the details of Apple's I-Phone.

Conclusion A very enjoyable evening to a distressing issue. Visit next year is recommended.


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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mario Salieri Film List

NAI - The Nature Stock Index

The Nature Stock Index (NAI) comprises 30 international companies that are selected according to rigorous standards, particularly as a successful eco-pioneers. The existing 1997 Index as a benchmark for "green investments". Index Provider is SECURVITA. NAI The independent committee will decide on the basis of the binding NAI criteria, which companies are represented on the NAI. Companies in the NAI are scattered by countries and industries, and are assessed as non-productive. The criteria on the NAI website, it goes here:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

What Is Lpg Conversion On Range Cookers

open bookcase and Bookcrossing

For years, I'm at Bookcrossing with and for months I know of open bookcase in the 7th District, but only now have I gathered up in order to connect the two projects together: I have cleaned out
my bookshelf, some books with Book Crossing Pickerln and numbers (BCID) and is in the open bookcase (corner Zieglergasse / Westbahnstraße) set.
The open corner bookcase Zieglergasse / West Railway Street. Copyright: Horst JENS. License: CC-BY


Lesen und Freilassen bei is a website on which one the world's books with can
unique number (the Book Crossing ID or BCID) provided to them "to dismiss in the wilderness," the best in a so-called official BookCrossing Zone (OBCZ) . With luck there will be a book discovered by strangers, and read on the Internet at the number of new journal entry written, so you can see who has the book just as it pleases and where it travels.

open bookcase

in the bookcase inside
The open bookcase (now there are already 2 in Vienna, a third is planned) is a publicly accessible, uncapped bookcase, where you can make free purely take out books and. The open bookcase Zieglergasse / Westbahnstraße example, is simultaneously a OBCZ, but not all the books in the open bookcase with a BookCrossing-provided id.

striking the open bookcase is only once the architecture: the thing is somehow wrong ... on purpose. But that's nothing compared to the open market bookcase at the well ...

Pleasantly surprised I was like that the open bookcase Zieglergasse was well attended: A passer-by took one of the same set of books home with me and told me that she had seen both that the bookcase was overflowing and that he was cleared.

I Frank Gassner congratulations on his very felicitous open-bookcase project, which combines simple ingeniously Book Sale, Library, Book Crossing Zone and art together, facilitates communication between strangers urbanites and represents for the city and residents enriching.
why: More Cases for Vienna!

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